Hamazasp Danielyan

Hamazasp Danielyan

Hamazasp Danielyan serves a Member of the National Assembly of the seventh convocation (December 2018- June 2021), where he lead the parliamentary working group on political reforms (Electoral reform, Political Party law and etc.) He has a PhD in Political Science and taught at the Department of Political Science of Yerevan State University.

He has initiated and lead research in Armenia and Artsakh on various sectors and topics, including the democracy and governance, the political elite, diaspora relations, elections & electoral system. As a practitioner he has worked over 15 years in various international organizations.

10 զոհ, 10 տարի, 0 պատասխանատու

Ten Victims, Ten Years, Zero Culpability

Ten years after the worst post-election clashes in the history of Armenia’s independent statehood that left ten people dead and hundreds injured, the wounds are still fresh and the pain raw. In this personal essay, Hamazasp Danielyan writes about the events leading up to March 1, 2008 and reflects on his personal transformation.