Areg Petrosyan

Areg Petrosyan

Areg Petrosyan is currently conducting research on the geopolitics of the South Caucasus, as well as broadly exploring the fields of national security and political culture, analyzing contemporary internal politics of the Republic of Armenia and the interconnection within and outside the region. He has  published several articles in Noravank Foundation, Diplomatic Academy of Russia, talking points in the Moscow State University (Lomonosov 2020, Lomonosov 2021). At present, he is pursuing his Masters degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Russian-Armenian University.

CSTO Failing At Its One Job

CSTO Failing At Its One Job

Armenia will be looking to take advantage of its chairmanship of the CSTO to create a new Crisis Response Center. If its supposed allies continue their indifference even at the organizational stage, they should all be asking themselves why they are together in the first place.