Tag: Evn Report Politics

November 12, 2021
Ep. 162: The Week in Review (05.11.21)

Ep. 163: The Week in Review (12.11.21)

In EVN Report’s news roundup for the week of November 12: This week marked one year since the November 9 trilateral statement that ended the 2020 Artsakh War; Azerbaijani forces place customs checkpoints on the portion of the Goris-Kapan highway that now runs through Azerbaijani controlled territory; a second Armenian civilian in Artsakh is killed and three others wounded by Azerbaijani forces.

September 20, 2021
CSTO Failing At Its One Job

CSTO Failing At Its One Job

Armenia will be looking to take advantage of its chairmanship of the CSTO to create a new Crisis Response Center. If its supposed allies continue their indifference even at the organizational stage, they should all be asking themselves why they are together in the first place.