Tag: Writer

August 30, 2021
The Peephole

The Peephole

A peephole view into the kaleidoscopic distortions of other people’s lives where human interaction is set in ways foreign to you and distant from you yet in your city where the “hero” is your friend. A true, but not a real story from the ninth floor, in building 9a, in the Ninth District, the door without the peephole.

February 3, 2021
Finding Hrant Dink

Finding Hrant Dink

In 2018, writer and journalist Valerie Manteau published a novel in French called “Le Sillon” dedicated to Hrant Dink who was assassinated in Istanbul in 2007 by a Turkish ultra-nationalist. Manteau, who was in Yerevan for the launch of the Armenian translation of her novel, spoke about the journey of finding Dink that took her from Marseilles to Istanbul.