Sossi Tatikyan

Sossi Tatikyan

Sossi Tatikyan has a Diploma from Yerevan State University, Master of Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Executive Master of Business Administration from ESCP Europe Business School. Currently she is a PhD fellow in the Sorbonne Nouvelle University.

She has worked in the Armenian Foreign Ministry for over a decade, mostly dealing with Armenia's relations with NATO, International Atomic Energy Agency, international human rights bodies and Iran. Sossi has worked with the OSCE, UN and EU Missions in Europe, Asia and Africa, providing political strategic analysis and advice in the area of good governance and security policies, and designing and managing technical assistance programs and projects in reforming security and rule of law institutions. Since 2019, she has provided advisory services to inter-governmental, public, non-profit and private organizations, such as UNDP, EU, Freedom House, DCAF, both in Armenia and globally. She has a number of publications, such as on Euro-Atlantic integration and energy security issues published by NATO Defense College.

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